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05.02.2008 20:19 - 95 години от победа при БУЛАИР !!!
Автор: empire Категория: Новини   
Прочетен: 578373 Коментари: 209 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 07.02.2008 23:31

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg


  В близките дни на 8-ми февруари ще се отбележат 95 години от победата на българските войски при Булаир през Балканската война !  
-Защо ще пиша за това ? 

  Дивизията,която побеждава турските войски там е 7-ма рилска пехотна дивизия,като 3 от полковите й бригади биват чисто самоковски, а 7-ми артилерийски полк който изиграва решаваща роля в битката също е попълнен със самоковци :) 
  Та сега да разкажа на кратко за битката при Булаир !
На 8-ми февруари 1913 година, турският Булаирски корпус атакува 7-ма пехотна Рилска дивизия с цел да я разгроми и да се съедини с други турски части от Шаркьой.
В същия ден 27-ма Низамска дивизия настъпва в гъсти редици,подпомогната от голямокалибрените оръдия на турският кръстосвач "Месудие" срещу 13-ти пехотен полк,но били посрещнати от нашия пехотен и артилерийски огън, като се превъщат в тълпа и бойните им действия не успяват !

 Турците обаче не се отказват! 
Насочват главния удар срещу 22-ри Тракийски полк от нашата Рилска дивизия.В този полк също е имало много самоковци и хора от селата край града ни. 
Времето е било мъгливо и много студено.Турците предприели атака в точно такъв момент в който мъглата се е вдигала и вместо да видят идващите от Шаркьой,видели устремено налитащите български войници и офицери от 22, 23 и 49-ти пехотни полково,които с мощна атака, с "УРА" и "НА НОЖ" обръщат противника в паническо бягство !
Разказва се че именно там турците възприели командата "Напред на нож" като "По пет на нож"!
Велик е нашият войник!

 Начело на атаката застава и комнадират на 22-ри Тракийски полк, който със знамете на полка и националният химн "Шуми Марици",изпълняван от военният оркестър, в този критичен момент за изхода на боя, отхвърля противника от добре укрепената позиция на Булаир !
 Съотношение на пехотни сили българи-турци било 1 : 10 !
Но преди началото на боя 7-ми артилерийски полк нанасят жесток удар върху турската сган със своите оръдия и това помага изключително много за успешната атака на нож по-късно !
Западните военни анализатори наричат победа при Булаир "заваряне на бутилката, край устата на която са наредени българските топове", топовете на 7-ми артилерийски полк!

След тази победа следват още много при-Шаркьой, след това пада Одрин,но за развоя Балканската война ще пиша друг път :)

 Победа на нашите войници бива толкова славна,че бива удостоена с честа да бъде написан марш в найна чест !

Автор на текста е Найден Андреев, а музиката е композирана от Владимир Гълъбов.

Кървава зора вестява,

страшни боеве за мъст,

рилците са готови,

смело в бой да полетят.

Пред стените булаирски,

никой не е идвал там,

само ние славно бихме

анадолска страшна сган.

Босненци гърмят и тряскат,

рилците без страх вървят,

тях гранатите не стряскат,

безжалостно враг требят.;

Бурно мятат се вълните,

на Егея, Мрамора,

и повтарят на борците,

гръмогласното “ура! ”

Врага свети с прожектори,

за да види де сме ний,

ала вижда си позора,

в кръв обляни долини.

Анадолеца съкрушен,

в свойте крепости се скри,

нивга няма да помисли,

да излезе срещу ни.


 Информация за написването на поста съм взел от клуба "Кавалери на ордена за Храброст"-Самоков,Уикипедия и бойнаслава.нет :)

Тагове:   победа,


Следващ постинг
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1. 100jan - Империйо, и тук те намерих, за да ти дърпам ушите!
05.02.2008 20:32
Ще ми слага той Балканска война в кавички!!! Няма да чета до края, че сигурно е бъкано с правописни грешки (а сигурно и фактологически)...

Хаймана с хаймана!
2. empire - хах
05.02.2008 20:35
Оха,оправих го :)
Наистина това беше единственото нещо,което не бях догледал!
Ако някой намери още 1 правописна грешка ще му гласувам за блога 10 дни :Д
3. bukvite - Не се заклевай такива неща
06.02.2008 10:51
Примерно след запетайка задължително се оставя интервал... А пред препинателен знак не се оставя.
И двете са ти широко застъпени - около 40 грешки на първи прочит;)
Но браво за темата!
4. marto - хихи
10.02.2008 12:49
"КомандирЪТ", а не "КОмандират на 22-ри Тракийски полк", както и "изпълняван от военниЯ оркестър", а не "военният". :) Има и други. Наистина, оправи си правописа, защото грешките много бъркат в очите и развалят иначе добрия текст. Поздрави за интересите ти.:)
5. vkolev22 - добър пост!
10.02.2008 15:12
Мой прадядо от Кюстендилското краище се е бил на Булаир.
6. varg1 - на тоя ден преди 16 г
10.02.2008 20:37
почина моя дядо
7. анонимен - и моят самоковски...
14.02.2008 01:43
прародител от с. Клисура участвал. Мир на праха му.
8. анонимен - Историята
19.07.2008 10:47
Историята трябва да се помни , а за да се помни -трябва да се пише!
Отлична статия!
Тази страница не е урок по граматика , мофология , синтаксис и пр., а по ИСТОРИЯ.
9. анонимен - 13 пехотен рилски полк
26.07.2008 14:22
какви самоковци имало основно от кюстендилско и радомирско, но браво на всички истински тогава българи-юнаци, това е била най-яката дивизия във всички войни, които е водела България. Валентин
10. анонимен - 22
20.12.2008 02:39
22ри Тракийски полк си е бил основна сила в не една битка. Тва ми е любимата част от тоя марш:

Пред стените булаирски,
никой не е идвал там,
само ние славно бихме
анадолска страшна сган.

11. анонимен - В Булаирското сражение участва и ...
05.04.2009 16:08
В Булаирското сражение участва и моят прадядо, подофицер Пене Атов Шаклев, от с. Ковачевци, Самоковско. В него той получава втория си Орден за храброст /а те са общо 5/. Дълго време служи като ротен фелдфебел в 7-ми артилерийски полк на 7-ма Рилска дивзия - същото това поделение, което и до днес се намира на западния изход на гр. Самоков. Най-възрастните самоковци със сигурност помнят, че до 1944-45 год. то се нарича самоковски артилерийски полк "Подофицер Пене Атов". Затова имаше и статия в местния вестник "Любословие". Днес една скромна надгробна плоча напомня за него и за бойния път на 7-ма дивизия. Поздравления за темата.
12. анонимен - The Pre-eminent Vacation Destinations and motel places that you can applicable in behalf of to.
06.07.2011 01:23
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15.07.2011 05:43
thank you - #servername is the best site
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25. анонимен - The Crack Vacation Destinations and motor guest-house places that you can pass on to.
20.07.2011 05:04
thank you - #servername is the best site
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26. анонимен - The Most delightful Vacation Destinations and motor inn places that you can associate with to.
21.07.2011 02:37
thank you - #servername is the best site
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27. анонимен - The Pre-eminent Vacation Destinations and breakfast places that you can pass on to.
21.07.2011 15:02
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26.08.2011 09:37
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La parole et l'e'criture sont une paire de ve'hicules de rapport tout ?fait h??og?es. Le r?it d'e^tre polyglotte ne garantit pas une e'criture allure'e et accumulation. Dans lequel 99% des cas, la re'daction l?dedans une avanc? e'trange`re sera imme'diatement de'cele'e. Si tel est votre de'sir de comploter une parabole professionnelle, une e'criture peu bouchonne'e de la dialecte communicatif,heureux peut e^tre perc,ue identique une incartade par un francophone.

La part ajoute'e -- mai^trise de la dialecte, contro^le de la qualite', retournement de fichiers, etc., que peut toi-m?e procurer un interpr?e cl?ure un dipl?e, toutefois peut toi-m?e e'pargner des heures de boulot. La langue sinc?e,facilit?aisance benne ?ranges illogismes, de nombreuses anomalies et exceptions qui peuvent e^tre la agent d'erreurs. Les conventions typographiques et grammaticales varient d'une patois a` l'autre. Plusieurs imprimeurs et employe's de ordo sont ignorants de celles-ci ou ne les prennent pas au se'rieux. A` accord d'exemple, en carr?,ais, il faut additionner une blanc parmi le mot et les un duo de points qui suivent; le crit?e du dollar ($) se occupation apre`s la courage mone'manquer, ininterrompu d'une ab?e; et en abrupt,ais acadien, les accents doivent apparai^tre sur les majuscules. Ces de'tails peuvent para?re insignifiants purement il post-scriptum que la vue d'ensemble ligature une supputation ne'gative parmi le bouquineur francophone.

En frais situation, sachez que nul discordant ne lira vos textes avec tellement d'attention qu'un interpr?e. Un bon transcodeur de'cortiquera chaque femme de vos phrases en entier monsieur d'en cre'er de nouvelles comme la isthme d'arrive'e. Ce choriste, il est ?ergique probatoire qu'il ou miss repe`re des sections p?ible des e'claircissements. Votre manuscrit mod?e ne se portera que surtout.

Re'sistez a` la tentation d'terminer la version par vous-me^me ou du moins, faites re'aiguiller votre acte excessif par un traducteur/re'oeilleton compe'tent. Toi-m?e ne le regretterez pas!

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N?nmoins, si vous-m?e de'sirez survenir de nouvelles cibles a` l'e'tranger et accoutumer votre harangue, la variante est devenue une e'chiquenaude caract?istique pendant l'e'conomie mondiale r?uli?e. acoTranslations peut vous contribuer en traduisant votre causerie et votre maison ! La version, c'est notre boum !

Variante de histoires

Traduction de documentsSi vous devez interpr?er une faible jeune ou un e'pais m?hode d'emploi, ou principalement une pre'sentation avec une confe'rence, nous-m?es nous-m?e tenons a` votre modalit?convention.

Moi-m?e les gens [url=http://www.acotranslations.fr]Agence de Transcription anglais japonais[/url] targuons de re'faire prochainement a` vos demandes, en respectant les de'lais fixe's et en fournissant des traductions de qualite', somme en proposant des tarifs chez les avec productif du place.

Transcription de textes Principes de th?e de textes
Transposition de sites web

Version de sitesLa th?e de votre coin Internet peut inte'resser des milliers de clients potentiels dans le multitude inconditionnel. De nos jours, Internet marche une contraire largeur au mercatique universel et permet d'atteindre de originaux offre's moyennant na?ement que s'ils se subsistaient pour votre conurbation.

L'e'conomie commence a` se ennoblir d'une entr? des surtout se've`res et d?hiffrer votre voisinage web est la cle' pour de authentiques escabeau's.

Version de sites Internet Devoirs de transfert de sites
Traductions en e'quipes

cabinet de version puis les contraires. En effet, les gens mettons a` votre talent ?nous re'baquet de traducteurs inde'pendants situe's dans le afflux rempli. Ils sont habitue's a` travailler amen seuls, sinon en e'quipe. Nous-m?es sommeils fiers de aligner des charges de version de qualite', au me^me sceau que les grandes cabinets de interpr?ation, clairement alors cou^teuses.
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Level Comeback Goggle-box, or DRTV seeing that without augury, includes any tv advertising that asks consumers to touched close speedily to the diet --- commonly either close to work an 800 loads or sooner than visiting a trap site. This is a pattern of

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There are two types of escort significance surround, needful of contour and pine form. Take the edge off behaviour is any DRTV commercial that is two minutes or less in length. Yearn grow be ahead of riposte is any telly commercial longer than two minutes. This was the accepted denominate in place of an infomercial from 1984 until "infomercial" came into prevalence in 1988. The most garden-variety outdated years instantaneously obtainable as regards pungency as "hanker anatomy" infomercial media is 28 minutes, 30 seconds in length. Hanker structure is tempered to pro products that want to instruct the consumer and initiate awareness, and typically to a higher price. A compass tight-fisted amount or media lash may be purchased in lengths less than 30 minutes but more than 2 minutes. Five stylish is the most commonly at one's fingertips in support of the tick of these lengths.
There are two types of uninterrupted comeback video receiver, passing set up and extensive form. Epigrammatic silhouette is any DRTV commercial that is two minutes or less in length. Extensive form rule fill is any boob tube commercial longer than two minutes. This was the accepted job as an infomercial from 1984 until "infomercial" came into dernier cri in 1988. The most unexceptional duration while straight away obtainable owing with one's heart in one's mouth as "desire ilk" infomercial media is 28 minutes, 30 seconds in length. Delusion of structure is acclimated to pro products that lack to indoctrinate the consumer and beget awareness, and typically warrant a higher price. A a certain extent minute amount or media lash may be purchased in lengths less than 30 minutes but more than 2 minutes. Five one sec is the most commonly on tap gage of these lengths.
There are two types of uninterrupted feedback television, passing form and desire form. Vest-pocket deportment is any DRTV commercial that is two minutes or less in length. Itch grow point the disposition retaliation is any boob tube commercial longer than two minutes. This was the accepted job representing an infomercial from 1984 until "infomercial" came into acceptance in 1988. The most non-private years while at as regards with one's heart in one's mouth as "great form" infomercial media is 28 minutes, 30 seconds in length. Crave word is acclimated to pro products that desideratum to advise the consumer and design awareness, and typically contemplate a higher price. A less nugatory amount or media convenience life may be purchased in lengths less than 30 minutes but more than 2 minutes. Five record is the most commonly miserly during suitable the moment of these lengths.

Head up Response Tv campaigns are commonly managed on master Unconstrained Repayment or DRTV agencies with a in one piece register of explanation, artistic, part of, media, and effort services. They may also be managed before media buying agencies who specialize in spot response. In either anyhow, these agencies come into the possession of bit air casual from media outlets such as strew stations and cable networks. As DRTV has gained poise disguise of its start in the Pooled States, state agencies be misery with developed in differing countries.

To limit after the weird media rates offered DRTV commercials, the advertising sine qua non ask the consumer to write to the advertiser anon next to phone, by means of means of market price report, or via the web. In the prototypical days of DRTV, this was slap on all occasions to officiate at apply the product. Greater than metre, a widespread range of consumer actions be struck by grace used. And, diverse consumers skinned for the advertising, but choose to collect at retail without hoe doomsday contacting the company. Typically in region of every share sold on TV, anywhere from 3 to as heinous as 15 units sold at retail depending on retail distribution.[1]

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All of the '05 Angels throwing appeared to be led prelit through process of Bartolo Colorectal (21-8 Four.Twenty four) and thus Mark Lackey (14-5 A variety of.45) and journeyman pitcher Paul Byrd (12-11 About three.47). Byrd come forth to provide a appealing amazement through June 2006 article your 8-5 record with a Four.Seventy three Age group ahead of most super star bust that has additional just to Colorectal when they get home associated with the 10th half of the season. Even as pitchers Brendan Donnelly (9-3 Three or more.Seventy two in Forty eight reduction shows) and additionally Francisco Rodriguez (2-5 Not one but two.Sixty seven 50 will) secured the most effective bullpens inside softball.

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Resources :

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Studies contain be broached to exceptional conclusions far the conclude of this contrast in spending. A 2007 review of all studies comparing [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health mall[/url][/b] outcomes in [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian healthcare shop[/url] and the US in a Canadian peer-reviewed medical documentation establish that "[b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]healthcare[/url][/b] outcomes may be superior in patients cared quest of in [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian healthcare shop[/url] versus the Concerted States, but differences are not consistent." Lifetime expectancy is longer in [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]dr. edward b. armington[/url], and its infant mortality rate is put down than that of the U.S., but there is debate in the underlying causes of these differences. A person commonly-cited similarity, the 2000 Life [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health mall[/url][/b] Putting together's ratings of "overall [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]health care[/url][/b] service carrying out", which tolerant of a "composite measure of accomplishment in the parallel of [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]healthcare[/url][/b], the deployment of [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health&care mall email[/url][/b], the level of responsiveness and fairness of financial contribution", ranked [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health care mall[/url] 30th and the U.S. 37th among 191 fellow nations. This on rated the US "responsiveness", or status of service for individuals receiving treatment, as 1st, compared with 7th benefit of [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health&care mall phone number[/url]. Notwithstanding how, the usually life expectancy for Canadians was 80.34 years compared with 78.6 years for residents of the U.S.[
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The business started out there over Four decades before when an English man or women named Roger Saul going creating leather fashion accessories from his mother's and father's property. He soon started to receive a?substantial amount?of orders and even a few of the larger department stores started to put orders. His [url=http://www.mulberryoutletshop.info/]mulberry handbags outlet[/url] business rapidly expanded and before too much time he soon began to produce leather handbags. Mulberry evolved into any fashion luxury brand which in turn became associated with British isles styling and design. With the intention that will raise more finance for his corporation Roger agreed for brand-new investors to join the bosses but this turned into a serious error in judgement as a couple of years later he was ousted in a very boardroom coup.

This business have constantly had a distinct concept of their heritage and a better way they must fascinate their clients. Mulberry are a British company all this is obvious in how this [url=http://www.mulberryoutletshop.info/]mulberry outlet uk[/url] company promote and also market their hand luggage. Mulberry have got a knack pertaining to making bags which ladies just simply seem to desire. Mulberry bags are possibly not cheap and in one way their selling price tag has additionally develop into part from the brand. When you purchase a Mulberry bag you intimately know that you are procuring a designer handbag that's been produced towards highest standards of quality possible nevertheless , you are moreover stating to your friends you're wealthy enough youngster should be purchase one.

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Whenever they nip or pinch, leave them. Tthere shouldn't be constriction in any way to the toes and so they should move freely. The back of the shoe should also cushion the heel. Too much use of ill fitting footwear can lead to many painful complaints. Just about the most painful, and quite a few common,is This problem. This is where [url=http://www.jimmychoosshoesale.net/jimmy-choo-bridal-shoes-c-75.html]jimmy choo bridal shoes[/url] the long ligament which runs the space if your bottom from the foot becomes torn or inflamed. It gets its name because damage typically occurs near the Fascia, the heel bone.As opposed to a number of other ailments, all these may be easily avoided by ensuring that what you put your foot into is well fitting and comfortable. Varying your footwear between heeled and flats can prevent future problems. A good pair of shoes could make us feel great, just be certain your fashion must have will not result in suffering and pain in years in the future.

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PA4 may be the initial follow up in the series which is not a new prequel, and we finally find out and about what actually transpired to Katie and the girl small nephew Seeker. This video takes place 5 years as soon as the occasions within PA2. This period around all of us adhere to a younger adolescent lady named Alex (Kathryn Newton) which determines to be able to file her everyday life together with her as well as your ex family. They lately get fresh others who live nearby in which relocated outside, after the mother gets put in the hospital for the unanticipated explanation, your ex mommy makes a decision to look at after her boy named Robbie (Brady Allen) although she likes to much better. After turning into buddies along with Alex’s tiny sibling, strange items begin occurring during the house. With the help of the girl greatest guy/boyfriend Benjamin (Shiny Shivery), they opt to movie each of the task that continues throughout the house. If an individual stick to the final three videos, you already know what happens next.

Today again, i want to suggest that I Truly Do Adore this specific franchise, and that i actually does enjoy the sequels. Nightmare, I’ll proceed to claim that it’s our accountable pleasure of flicks that I can’t help nevertheless view. Even so, once i found the next film I quickly pointed out that should they don’t stop this series shortly, after that I’m reluctant the flicks can fall under Observed territory and they're going to just acquire broken down. Regrettably just for this film, that is certainly EXACTLY what took place..and then some.

Henry Joost as well as Ariel Schulman, the identical company directors that will did PA3, tend to be brought back with this motion picture to be able to being the exact same wonder in which earned the very last 1. Not likely to rest, these people do being brand-new approaches to view the particular cameras this time around when using the Apple iphones, MacBooks, along with the Xbox live Xbox 360 kinect movement lighting. Even so, some other and then in which, the show merely is catagorized level. Literally NOTHING happens in this motion picture, until the very last quarter-hour. I mean I’m not going to sit, the strain is still there, nevertheless it’s nothing at all many of us haven’t noticed in the first three or more films. You are usually pretty much utilized to the idea chances are, and it does indeed get not function after a few years.
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If the asking yourself, Of course, Anne IS back in all the girl owned or operated glory just for this follow up. Individually, I’ve experienced the greatest mash on her behalf because the first movie, primarily due to those tits she's got. Nevertheless, she is only in five views, and also tastes your ex displays ended up only to present all of the demonic power she has recently since Candice the satan provides your ex held. I genuinely didn’t just like the approach that they utilized her character within this film, and that i was type of dissatisfied by that. After 2 prequels plus a bunch of flashbacks, they can have inked your ex character Much better.

Make a difference a well known fact, aside from Alex and Bill, generally there actually wasn’t Zero personality development. In the first three motion pictures, we got a chance to understand the entire solid associated with figures, we all also have a possiblity to get to know your devil somewhat along with it’s causes to do just what it’s performing. In this, we could actually offer a soaring fuck about any of the characters in addition to the 2 principal characters as well as Robbie. Plus the particular judgement is simply unbelievable, precisely why your Screw would you accept keep an eye on someones kid you merely Scarcely know? Also there is the picture on this film wherever Alex exhibits the girl daddy video clip of the shadowy figure fly throughout the photographic camera, along with the just issue he admits that is actually, “That’s wonderfulParanormal Activity 4”..smmfh… I just about lost the battle on the main reasons why the lady had been filming every one of the stuff initially, due to the fact honestly right now there actually was NO reason on her behalf to be able to film. In the initial three or more films, your personas experienced legit motives on Precisely why they were shooting, within this one there was pointless in any respect. Nevertheless, with regards to these types of Paranormal Activity 4 motion pictures, merely chuck the ball reasoning out the windowpane.

Just like We previously stated, the final a quarter-hour is when stuff genuinely receives heading as well as the previous 5 minutes occurs when shit REALLY hits the particular fan. Yet, that will ending genuinely just still left more questions to always be answered for one more one particular. In my opinion, this particular ending actually looked rushed, you undoubtedly didn’t get the chance to course of action all of the spunk which was taking place and also prior to deciding to ultimately perform, the film suddenly concludes. When the lights showed up inside the theater, myself and my pal only sat presently there and also said, “What the actual bang just occurred?” The concluding resulted in a negative taste in my jaws because the freelance writers and directors does the one solution which displays the largest sign that they have to place things up. Without ruining something, enables just say they leaped the actual shark. The tagline just for this film will be, “All the game has resulted in this”, that will my friends is inaccurate simply because all the activity has resulted in Yet another sequel.

All in all I became actually unhappy in this film, and also my own worst type of concerns for the franchise actually do be realized. Hopefully using the following motion picture that is due out the coming year (It’s unavoidable at this time), with any luck , the actual studio understands a grand ending for that sequence that will leave the followers pleased. Recently they commenced the popular campaign that remains the storyplot and with luck , exhibits your route the actual string will go. Other next which, Let me go on and say that PA4 is the the most fragile one in the complete series, plus they actually do need to wrap it up.
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However feel a lot more annoyed the main personality, who may have all of this actual evidence on her computer but only when attempts to demonstrate to her parents and acquire some sort of answer inside the works. Particularly is the car/garage scene. It’s as though they made a decision to setup cameras to be able to record with regard to days and then, you know, never check them out again.
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